The "lottery" by Shirley Jackson
Theme: someone who is blamed for the evils of a society and banished in order to expel sin and allow for renewal.
Theme sentence: The danger of tradition and blindly following along is not always a good idea
The rising action bus bee tacos sill cheese love but munching on a plane
The three groups that are in the story are the city group, the feudal group, and the pilgrims. Chaucer falls under the feudal group because he spent a lot of his time being a negotiator and diplomat for the government. He has some feudal responsibility since he is supported by the government.
I know a doctor whose last name is Doctodoctor.
If it's "The last names Doctodoctor" then it sounds like you're talking about your last name.
He tells Jem he has perpetrated a near libel. A libel is a legal term meaning a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation. Atticus, is of course joking with Jem, but he asks the children to make the snowman a little less like Mr. Avery