It protects the right to a trial by jury in civil court cases
It ensures that people dont go to jail just because of what the judge says because that would violate our right
Genocide is the death of many people from something caused by a government often to surpress a certain group.
Techological improvements allowed for mass printing of newspapers and books in the 19th and 20th centuries. This has had an economic, commercial and social impact. It was possible to reach thousands or even millions of people with a single edition; it was possible now to reach a massive audience who did not have higher education, but wanted to read news and have some form of entertainment. People have always wanted to know about shocking events, disasters, tragedies, violent crimes and the juicy details of the romantic life of those famous and powerful. There is an old phrase of American journalism: "Dog bites man, that´s not news. Man bites dog, that´s news." So , newspapers for a massive audience were set up and exploited stories about violence, crime and sex. That´s the advent of "yellow journalism" in the modern world. Besides, having a high number of readers or subscribers assured profits for newspaper owners, because the larger the audience, the larger the advertising revenues. This logic continues to be true today.
During the period of 1850 to 1920 CE, China embraced Westernization in a way that it had never done before. The most important catalyst for this change were the Opium Wars. The First Opium War ended in 1840 with the defeat of China, and the Treaty of Nanking (1842). The treaty ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain and allowed the importation of opium. As the use of opium increased, many social problems followed, including social unrest and the weakening of the government.
This situation created the conditions for many other problems, such as the Taiping Rebellion, the Punti–Hakka Clan Wars, the Nian Rebellion, the Dungan Revolt, and the Panthay Rebellion. The cost of putting down these rebellions further weakened the government. A weak government was unable to stop the influence of imperialist nations. Nations such as Japan, France, Great Britain, Germany and Russia wanted to expand their sphere of influence in China, and this influence encouraged westernization within the country. Westernization also developed due to trade, as China began to depend more on Western supplies to defend against its many internal conflicts.
7) During 1750-1900, people from around the world challenged established government structures, and this led to a great deal of political, economic, and social change. For many of the following Revolutions, Enlightenment ideas directly influenced their advent.
8) Japan- By the early 1900's, Japan had become one of the Great Powers and won a war against the Russian as well as the Chinese, and ultimately were able to take control of Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria.
9) Portugal was never very big. Spain's decline began in the 17th century, mainly caused by them losing a struggle with France under Louis XIV. Both were weakened by sticking to a very narrow version of Roman Catholicism, and not valuing education.
10) Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.
11) The Cape Colony was the only settler colony of the early modern period in which the settlers not only permanently remained in the minority, but they even became increasingly outnumbered with the expansion of the colony. Europeans were only able to settle in the malaria-free uplands of southern and eastern Africa.