The order that man must create out of the chaos of the universe creates a feeling that Sartre calls <u>anguish</u>.
Sartre , XX century, thinks that man is thrown into the existing world. He believes that existence comes before essence. This means that man lives in a context and this experience or existence in time and place will make him be. He can be poor, rich, intelligent, wise, selfish ,etc. Man is not born with these characteristics, so these are not part of man's essence. The fact , then, that man has to construct his own way in this chaotic world is what makes him feel anguish.
These are not right:
instinct ( Instinct is part of our innate or essence. Sartre does not believe in this.)
omen ( Man will not live according to any prophesy. Man will be the creator of his own destiny).
quietism ( Sartre opposes this idea because man is expected to act upon the universe not to just contemplate it).