Like folle (feminine) or fou (masculine)? or a story
- Tu manges au restaurant?
Oui, j'y mange souvent.
- Tu manges des tomates?
Oui, je la mange.
- Tu manges la pizza? Oui, je la mange.
Oui, j'en mange beaucoup.
Translating makes it easier to understand...
the question are,
Do you eat at the restaurant?
Do you eat tomatoes?
Do you eat the pizza?
the answers choices are,
Yes, I eat there often
Yes, I eat a lot.
Yes, I eat it.
so matching the question with answers so it make sense...
Do you eat at the restaurant?
Yes, I eat there often.
Do you eat tomatoes?
Yes, I eat it.
Do you eat the pizza?
Yes, I eat a lot.
L'anglais et le français sont les langues officielles du Canada<span>.
(English and French are the official languages of Canada)
The Official Languages Act(sept 9 1969): gave English and French equal status in government</span>. This makes them official languages in Canada because they were chosen to represent in Canadian law over all other languages<span>.
(en Français: Official Languages act= </span><span>Loi sur les langues officielles)
<span>J'espère que cela vous a aidé. Bonne chance mon ami!</span>
the words are similar to their meaning
Qui aime regarder la télé chez eux?
Quelle émission aime-t-elle regarder?
Quelle émission choisit sa grand-mère?
Quelle émission aiment ses parents?
Quelle émission aiment ses petits frères?
Quelle émission aimes-tu?