Hi Fatimah,
Its so good to hear from you. I'm doing good. How about you? The jewelry your making sounds so cool. I recently started a new hobby of gardening, it is so peaceful working outside with the plants. I'm growing a lot of things like tomatoes and watermelon and peppers. Its crazy how fast the plants grow every morning when I wake up I can pick fresh veggies for my morning omelette. I hope your doing well, Talk to you soon, -Aziz
Answer: What position of power is Joe given? mayor. How does Joe begin to treat Janie? - trophy wife ... How does the town view Janie's relationship with Tea Cake? - shameful - they are judgemental - maybe a little jealous. ... Their Eyes Were Watching God 176 Terms. katie_powell. Their eyes were watching God 57 Terms.
1. Roger Chillingworth is a man deficient in human warmth. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul. From what the reader is told of his early years with Hester, he was a difficult husband.
2.Hester Prynne is beautiful, her beauty barely compares to her strength of character. Even when she is punished for her crime of adultery and publicly humiliated by being forced to wear a scarlet A on her chest, Hester does not break. She remains exactly who she is: strong, kind, proud, but also humble.
3.Dimmesdale, the personification of "human frailty and sorrow," is young, pale, and physically delicate. He has large, melancholy eyes and a tremulous mouth, suggesting great sensitivity. An ordained Puritan minister, he is well educated, and he has a philosophical turn of mind.
4.The illegitimate daughter of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. Pearl serves as a symbol of her mother's shame and triumph. At one point the narrator describes Pearl as "the scarlet letter endowed with life." Like the letter, Pearl is the public consequence of Hester's very private sin.
* Media has been a significant piece of our day by day lives. It completely affected our way of life in sure and negative manners. There are such countless positive effects of web-based media on our way of life.
* Web-based media expanded the associations among individuals and established a climate in which you can impart your insights, pictures and loads of stuff. Web-based media improved inventiveness and social mindfulness for our general public by associating with others and imparting groundbreaking thoughts and insights. It is likewise significant for any business in light of the fact that eventually, you need to utilize online media in your business. Social media created global business and advertising. Individuals like to purchase stuff on the web. Social Media made an occasion to extend your reality and make new companions from different nations. It is simpler to find out about breaking news via web-based media in light of the fact that it has limitless access and adaptability.
* Then again, Social media has impacted our way of life contrarily. Individuals can share anything they desire to via online media and some of them may be wrong pictures. Individuals has gotten more moderate about one another's perspective. Individuals began to contend about one another's viewpoint identified with political view, religion, social rights and culture. Web-based media had negative impact on youth. It diminished proactive tasks.
Individuals like to sit the entire day before PCs and talk. Web-based media likewise has impacted youth contrarily. Children may be influenced and controlled by certain destinations in which there is improper data.
The terrible piece of web-based media is that there is huge loads of superfluous data shared by individuals and furthermore tormenting and badgering via web-based media has been expanded. Individuals can offer ruthless and negative remarks about anything and anybody. Media has great, terrible and monstrous effects on our way of life.
Mark is a forward who is the best basketball player in the class.