Missiles were being placed in Cuba, because the USSR believed that they also need ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles) in striking range of the US, and placing them in Cuba (a pro-USSR country) was, in their minds, the right choice. This however, led to the Cuban missile crisis, which lasted for weeks in a over-tense strain between the relations of the US and USSR. However, at the end, the missiles were removed after the US was able to make a deal with the USSR, stating that the USSR would remove their missiles from Cuba if the US would remove her missile from Turkey.
hope this helps
Answer: Please see answer in explanation column
According To Christians, In Kings James version of the Bible --Ist Corinthians 11 vs 3 it reads that
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." Here, Paul was addressing the church.
We can then correctly fill with the appropriate following the bible answer that
1. head of man ----Christ
2. body of Christ---- Church
3. head of Christ--- God
4. glory of man --woman
5. head of woman -- Man
Also In 1 Corinthians 11:7. “For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man."
Here, Paul was explaining how worship in church should be in relation to to head coverings for women when worshiping.
Paul explained that woman is the glory of man.
Most States had their names derived from a simple Linguistic tradition of naming a place according to what the locals called it.
If we study the etymology of the names of US States, it becomes very clear that as Europeans started to take over local lands, they wanted to maintain the 'exotic factor' and uniqueness of the land and it's location tradition.
Even today, the names honor the long lost tribes and languages of North America.
For example, The State of IOWA is named after the local native American tribes of the Iwoas. KANSAS is named after the local tribe of Kaw, another native American tribe.
Some other names pay tribute to what others called their home. For example the Sioux tribe used to call their home Dakota, which means friends in their language. Today, the State is called Dakota.
Other States have even more interesting origins such as the State of Georgia which was named after King George of England.
The main way in which the Seven Years War did this was because although the war technically ended in a British Victory, the British suffered heavy losses--meaning that the colonists saw that the British were at least somewhat militarily vulnerable.