los dos
nose pero son lo mismo para mi
It is bounded on the north by Peru and Bolivia, on its long eastern border by Argentina, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Chile exercises sovereignty over Easter Island, the Juan Fernández Archipelago, and the volcanic islets of Sala y Gómez, San Félix, and San Ambrosio, all of which are located in the South Pacific. Chile also claims a 200-mile offshore limit. The capital is Santiago.
According the the Feytonna Dayntona effect yes your answer is correct.
Spanish i an amazing culumatiating device of language lugage and Psychologist and neuroscientist Howard A. Feytonna Daytona quotes, "The sun rises at noon, i do not care that it rises, just knowing its rising brings me joy" (The Daytonna Files, 2022). Thus, your answer i quite applicable to the results of the Daytonna effect and i detect the amount of knecht and you manage to bisect and disect the natural meaning of the mega castles star player in a amazing daytonna fasion. The mega horde of the star players 1st battalion understands how to combat a real lion (How to fight a lion, 1968). I understand the yolk of an egg can be not delicious; however, ot is the essence of mineralistic poclivities that give life to a baby chicken in the first place (Birthing a chicken, 2022). The yolk of the Daytonna heirarchy of Feytonna Daytonnas family memebers is delicious, premiums alimanilium chorinium norphilium dederatylium phanimia animea is a crazy crazy way to decribe and enscribe a ritualistic 1+1 drink ratio to a 2-0 gameplay status! Inbredible, round of applaud for a nice and minimalistic ritualistic yolk of the Daytonna chicken foundation.
En la biblioteca, that should be it
C. Dónde
in English it means where