Yep that's true...viruses are inactive outside a living cell.They need to be inside a host for replication and survive. They're also called the border of living and dead.
-Yo fui de viaje a México con mi família.
-Nosotros viajamos en avión.
-Mi viaje duró cuatro harás.
-Estuve alojado en un hotel por la(by the) playa(beach).
-Visite las hermosas playas y los museos.
-yo vi la Torre Escénica( say you did research, if you're able too*)
- yo hice muchas cosas divertidas
- la experiencia más interesante fue visitar Chichén Itzá
- lo que más me gustó fue la comida(food)
- mi família y yo terminamos cansados al fin del día( end of the day)
-yo esperó poder viajar a México otra vez( again)
- me quedé dormido todo el camino a casa
From what I understand from this question is that 2 motorcycles cost 3,038, and 1 motorcycle was (or cost) 300 more than the 2 motorcycles that cost 3,038. And the question is at the end is what did EACH motorcycle cost. So Since this question said that one motorcycle was 300 more, I times 3,038 by 300 and got 911,400
<u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
1. Quito is one of the highest capital cities in the world. a. True.
2. The policewoman works from very early in the morning. a. True.
3. Don Alfredo's hairdresser is located on Garcia Moreno Street, below the Central Market in downtown Quito. a. True.
4. Don Alfredo's profession is a family tradition. a. True.
5. Klein Tours is a travel agency specializing only in excursions to the Galapagos Islands. a. Certain.
6. The main work areas of Klein Tours are sales, operations, marketing and the administrative area. a.Certain.