The process of removing a president from office includes:
Bringing charges against the president through impeachment.
A trial held in the Senate.
Further Explanation:
In order for a president to be removed from office, their first must be formal charges made against them. This includes the process of <em>impeachment. </em>This is initially proposed by the House of Representatives. If the House of Representatives believes that the president has committed a crime that should result in their removal from office, they will conduct a brief investigation and then will vote on whether or not the impeachment process should move forward.
If the House of Representatives does vote to move forward, the impeachment process then continues in the US Senate. At this time, the Senate will act as a court room for the president. After hearing both sides of the story, the Senate will vote on whether or not the president should be removed from office. In order for the president to be officially removed, two-thirds of the Senate must agree that the president is guilty of the crimes they are charged with. To this day, no president has ever been removed from office using this process.
Learn More:
Explanation of House of Representatives and the Senate regarding their role in impeachment process-
Key Details:
Topic: American History, Presidential History
Grade Level: 9-12, College
Keywords: president, impeachment, removal from office, Congress