The bottom side of a mountain range often has lush plant life.
The universe is comprised of more than 75% of materials that are not visible and are often considered to be the dark matter. These are the baryonic matter that is formed due to the accumulation of protons, neutrons as well as electrons. They can be baryonic or non-baryonic type of matter. These dark matters are the substance that interconnects mostly by gravity along with some visible matter such as the stars and planets. These matters do not reflect light and they attract other matters, forming the major mass of the entire universe.
The population density of Europe, as a whole, is 143 people per square mile. This makes Europe the second most densely populated continent in the world, with the first place being occupied bu Asia, so we can say that Europe is a densely populated continent as a whole.
It has to be taken in notice that Europe is a continent that has an aging population, the fertility rate is very low, and the life expectancy is high. Interestingly enough, even though there's only three countries in the whole continent that have a positive fertility rate, the population of the continent is still growing, slowly, by 0.3% annually, but it is growing. The growth is mainly because of the migrants, mainly from the Middle East and Africa, and apart from increasing the number of the population with their entry, they also tend to have a high fertility rate.