A pointer is nothing but a memory location where data is stored. A pointer is used to access the memory location. There are various types of pointers such as a null pointer, wild pointer, void pointer and other types of pointers. ... When you want to deal different variable data type, you can use a typecast void pointer.
To use another person's work without crediting the source.
NAT provides some security but allows a firm to have more internal IP addresses
NAT ( network address translation) this is a process where a network system usually a firewall assigns a public IP address to an internal computer used in a private network. it limits the number of public IP address a company operating a private network for its computer can have and this is very economical also limits the exposure of the company's private network of computers. the computers can access information within the private network using multiple IP addresses but it is safer to access external information using one public IP address
Apple uses social media to promote their products and increase user-engagement. This is a very effective method of advertising.