are easily available
candy isn't healthy, fruit can go bad quickly, and candy doesn't require refrigeration, but candy and fruit are both easily available so that's the answer
In order to answer the question, I will need to research cloning. More specifically what does it really mean to clone something, is it as simple as taking a blood sample? I would want to research the scientific benefits of having a clone. Also, are there any legal issues. If my clone commits a crime am I liable for it? The sources that would contain much of my information would be Scientific journals. I would be able to research the question and address the answer within a reasonable timeframe.
you must provide the speaker/author, site or book information was retrieved from and the date
bruh i need to see the passage
Personification is used to show the power of the storm.
Personification and hyperbole are two types of figure of speech. The first one takes place when non-human objects like animals, elements of nature, emotions or things, are given human attributes, and hyperbole takes place when we use exaggerated words or phrases that are obviously false in order to emphasize or to add humor.
In the excerpt, the speaker is not talking in an exaggerated manner or using words that are obviously false because a storm can indeed continue for hours, thunders can be deafening, lightning can be strong...
However, the speaker does use personification because it describes lightning as something that takes the night from completely black to light as if lightning had the conscious will of holding with its hands something. Furthermore, the speaker uses personification to show the power of the storm: It was so mighty and powerful that it continued for hours, and had mighty thunders and lightnings.