every company uses spreadsheets because they are used to list and organize data easily
False, I'm pretty sure people in North Korea cant use it...
Transitive dependency
In this case, we have three fields, where field 2 depends on field 1, and field three depends on field 2.
For example:
Date of birth --> age --> vote
Partial dependency
It is a partial functional dependency if the removal of any attribute Y from X, and the dependency always is valid
For example:
Course and student these tables have a partial dependency, but if we have the field registration date, this date will depend on the course and student completely, we must create another table with the field registration date to remove this complete dependency.
If we remove or update the table registration date, neither course nor student must not change.
complex formula in excel is which contain more than 1 mathematical operators . An order of mathematical operations are important to understand
there are different type of operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Text operators
- Operators reference
here Comparison operator is an example of complex formula . Comparison operator returns TRUE/FALSE it is use to compare two values
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal to
<= Less than or Equal to