Claims for the earliest definitive evidence of control of fire by a member of Homo range from 0.2 to 1.7 million years ago (Mya).[1] Evidence for the controlled use of fire by Homo erectus, beginning some 600,000 years ago, has wide scholarly support.[2][3] Flint blades burned in fires roughly 300,000 years ago were found near fossils of early but not entirely modern Homo sapiens in Morocco.[4] Evidence of widespread control of fire by anatomically modern humans dates to approximately 125,000 years ago.[5]
whats the question supposed to be?
It is called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It pumped $241.9 billion in the US economy. The program cut taxes, enlarged unemployment benefits and provided funds for public works. The recession ended in July 2009; the stimulus package had been passed in February 2009. President Barack Obama bailed out the auto industry on March, 2009. The takeover of GM and Chrysler saved 3 million jobs.
I believe the answer is b. because The Know Nothing movement also briefly emerged as a major political party in the form of the American Party, and they were primarily an anti-Catholic, anti-immigration, and xenophobic movement, originally starting as a secret society. So they wouldn't be supported by Catholics if they were anti-Catholic, right?
???? Do u even want an answer or nah