Non-profit? hope i'm right
2 sons and 6 daughters (2 hijos y 6 hijas)
1 son has 3 sister, and they have less than 10 children, having 3 sons will have 9 daughters so that wouldn't be correct. If you have 2 sons, there's going to be 6 daughters. The total is 8 which is less than 10.
(1 hijo tiene 3 hermanas, y tienen menos de 10 hijos, tener 3 hijos tendrá 9 hijas, por lo que no sería correcto. Si tienes 2 hijos, habrá 6 hijas. El total es 8, que es menos de 10.)
In English pls this might fall in the Spanish section
3. Using antibiotics the wrong way is making them not work as well.
Since the main point of this text is about how people misuse antibiotics and how they can not work, I'm guessing that this answer is the fittest for this piece of text.