???????????????????? Qye no entendoms. We dont understand what is your uestion?
Explanation: I don't know, I mean it seems sensible but i want to be a lawyer when i grow up and it looks like the disadvantage would be conflicts because say both owners decide on selling it, and owner A wants to sell it for lets say $450 and owner B wants to sell it for $750 that right there would be a conflict and could lead to in some cases a break of the contract they signed which can lead to court and all that stuff but the advantage would be that you could have many expert partners like the answer says and they could correct you on your mistakes, lets go back to the imaginary problem i made up. Owner A wants to sell the object for $450 dollars and owner B wants to sell it for $750 but Owner A is a more experienced and shows owner B that it was worth that but its been used so therefore you should lower the price and it would be easier to sell. (sorry if i sound stupid I wouldn't recommend using that as the answer but if you decide to please tell me if i'm right or wrong also I'm 12 so...)
Legislative branch is also called the Congress.
and It is set up into a bicameral legislature, meaning It is a law making body.
The 2 house/ chambers are House of Representatives and The Senate.
2 I believe its 2 but Ii could be wrong
well the question is is it a state bill or federal congress? also i dont have all the facts, but one kid did a bill on how we need to fund an iron man project.
pick something youre passionate about or you wont score well i garuntee it. and whatever you do, DONT DO A BILL ABOUT GETTING RID OF PENNIES, ELIMINATING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, OR CONVERTING AMERICA TO THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERALLY EVERYBODY DOES THAT. your teacher will cry.