•Germany under the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler
•Germany being increasingly hostile and thinking anyone who isn’t if the Aryan race was subhuman
•Germany declaring war and attacking Poland for land in Sept. 1st, 1939.
•France and The UK already had hostilities to Germany before the war are rivalries and the political tensions just sped things up.
The answer is D. The Missouri compromise was created to settle the tension between anti and pro slave states.
Although some of those came after others, they all were made better by railroads.
The answer is D.
The structure of state court systems varies by state, but four levels generally can be identified: minor courts, major trial courts, intermediate appellate courts, and state supreme courts. Minor courts handle the least serious cases.
Guerra Fria
Nesse periodo EUA e URSS não teve um conflito direto.Apenas teve competições como quem iria primeiro para a lua(corrida aeroespacial).