Beowulf kills Grendel's mother with the help of the sword which hangs on the wall nearby.
As Grendel's mother lures Beowulf deep down into the lake, she firstly overpowers him. Beowulf tries to attack her with his sword Hrunting, which is lent to him by Unferth, by swinging it to her head, but it is unable to pierce the monster’s skin.
At last he sees a sword nearby, which is hanging on the wall. The sword is an enormous weapon made by the giants. Beowulf gets hold of the sword and swings it in a powerful stroke. The weapon slices through the neck of Grendel's mother, thereby killing her.
To know more about Beowulf :
You could do the phrase "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." These are obviously the unalienable rights guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. For example, you could say something like "without these unalienable rights, the country would be just a mess." Hope this helps!
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I've always been interested in Japanese culture ever since I was little. the scenery, buildings, food, basically everything and anything to do with Japan interests me.
This reveal the importance of the past, so we as the reader can understand the things happening in the present. ( so if the answer is not right I tried my best to answer it)