Dialling by pulling round the telephone dial with a finger in the hole above the number or letter. All numbers had to be dialled or connected through the operator. The saving of numbers electronically was decades away. Most people kept note books of numbers that they often wanted to dial.
Today, mobile phones are an important part of our lives. When losing them or leaving them behind we use expressions such as ‘it feels like I’m missing a part of me’. We miss out on the world, the constant connection through texting and Social Media.
Over the years the mobile phone has evolved and continues to grow from the ‘brick’ that was the Nokia into Android and Apple that we can’t live without today.
Material and Non-material culture.
Material culture are the aspects of culture that can be seen, felt and touched e.g. food, dressing while Non-material culture is culture that cannot be seen or touched e.g. language, music.
So the positive mess would be facing your fears and reducing your anxiety. The negative message would be avoiding certain situations, will cause you to miss out or stop doing things you want and need.
There is a bear on the cover because Attean and Matt will come face to face with a bear.
B for number one , and A for number 2
if you read the text it says the giant was away which concludes both questions i hope i helped and i hope you fufill your promise