i don't know
i don't know what to write,sooooo..........
alskdjflaksdhftoqwiehgalsdgkad/kfj/l kjdlfa;sodjf;asoeif;asdlfksad;glnads;vlaskdf'so;adkf;asdflka;efkda;sfasekf'sd;fpkas;efkasd;foaksefl;asdfkpas; fasepkf as;e pa fa fa;sdlkfasdl;fka'sd;flka'df;lka'sd;lfka;sdlgjawpeoti2-34t0aw-e9gjaspdfgs
- <em>beautiful</em>
- <em>very pretty</em>
- <em>not ugly </em>
- <em>has many details</em>
- <em>is very nice</em>
- <em>is astonishing, astounding, surprising, bewildering, stunning, staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering</em>
- woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!
- 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
- nothing else to say sooo.......... it is a masterpiece!!
<h3 />
Basically to Ahab there exists something more behind the world some kind of neo-Platonic aspect. He thinks there is an unknown reasoning behind the mask of all visible things, what that is can be any man's guess but to Ahab whatever it is, it is nothing less then vengeful.
Two major influences on German Baroque were the German Violin bow and true chords that were often used. It made Bach's music more interesting. The church and stat also influenced Baroque music.
It seems that you have missed the necessary details for us to answer this question so I had to look for it. Anyway, here is the answer. Readers must revise their predictions about Rainsford after reading the second excerpt because initially it would seem that he plunges to his death, but he actually <span>has lured and trapped his guests. Hope this helps.</span>
That is a paint made it by Joseph Mallord William Turner . The title is <em>"The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons" </em>on October 16, 1834. It represent the Burning of Parliament from the south bank of the River Thames, opposite Westminster, that occurs in the same year. It represents nature’s power over man and the terrible consecuens. It compares the strong of the nature with the strong of the man. For example, in the paint the small dots of light from the man-made gas lamps seem weak compared to the uncontrollable flames. The painting also hints at political unrest. The Houses of Parliament were built in the eleventh century and represented governmental stability. The fire occurred during a time of political change, and some regarded the event as a symbol of the need for further reform.