In "Federigo's Falcon" by Giovanni Boccacio, Mona's dilemma is on how to ask Federigo to give his Falcon to her son who is ill because that is what her son asked for, the dilemma on asking a man who loves her but who she has not returned the love for a favour. and she is troubled about taking Federigo's only source of income.
In this story, Federigo is a talented young man who had fallen in love with Mona Giovanna and in an attempt to impress and woo her, He fall into poverty because he was spending his money exorbitantly to court her.
When Mona Giovanni's husband dies, She and her son moves to the country and they live near Federigo. when her son fell ill, He ask for Federigo's Falcon to cure him which is the only thing Federigo has left. Then Mona visited Federigo, He orders his Falcon to be killed so that they can eat at dinner since he has nothing to offer her but Mona ask Federigo to give her the Falcon . he broke down in tears because it was a difficult request for him. but Sadly Mona's son later died.
Finally they resolve to marry each other as Mona says she will have no other person but Federigo.