Step 1: When territory was just being settled, congress would appoint a governor, a secretary, and 3 judges. Step 2:Once the territory had 5,000 free adult male settlers, it could elect a legislature. Step 3:When the free population reached 60,000, the territory could ask to become a state.
Judicial: declares laws unconstitutional
Exceutive: Vetos Bills
Legislative: Can overturn vetoes of the president
The British thought the colonists should help pay for the cost of their own protection. Furthermore, the French and Indian War had cost the British treasury £70,000,000 and doubled their national debt to £140,000,000. Compared to this staggering sum, the colonists' debts were extremely light, as was their tax burden.
Hope this helped :)
French and india war
Stamp act
Boston massacre
Boston tea party
Intolérable acts
First continental