Google Knows
What are the three ways the Ming Dynasty gained, consolidated, and maintained their power? The Ming Code, The Jinyiwei, and The Great Wall of China. A code that helped the Ming Dynasty gain power by controlling their subjects. ... His fleet was burned and China got a new emperor, who followed an isolationist policy.
To consolidate power is to soothe the people of submission, such as light taxes, provincial penalties etc. And at the same time strictly striked those who would not submission.
- The Ming dynasty began when Zhu Yuanzhang lead a rebellion which finally drove out the Mongols. He then made a new dynasty called the Ming, or "Brilliant" dynasty. - Zhu took the name Hong Wu, or the "Military Emperor" Hong Wu truested no one and killed officials he suspectful of treason. He ruled China for 30 years.
btw did you know Ming dynasty has this famous vase?