I know that Islam is the second largest religion and fastest growing in the world about the Islamic religion.I think that because the Islamic religion is rapidly growing that they should build for churches for those who choose the Islamic religion.
"Is it cheaper if I pump it myself"
A draft of wind blew past and ran through her hair. The air was crisp and the ocean smelled fresh and there was a thick coat of fog swirling around in the atmosphere. Passing crows flew through the air gracefully, their loud, croaky barks filling the air in a crescendo of volume. Sarah stared off into the distance as the cold and salty water lapped up onto the shore, and the sky was like a curtain of silk with puffy clouds of creamy white, that reminded her of the inside of her favorite dessert, a light and flaky pâte à choux pastry. She stared at the waves crashing upon the shore longingly. The beautiful sound of the waves soothed her like a lullaby her mother used to sing her when she was little. She dug her toes into the grainy, damp sand. She ran. Clumps of seaweed that had washed up on the beach made her stumble, but she kept going. The horizon was a line of nickel-silver. The sunset, a splash of red, yellow, and orange seemed to be seducing her and causing her to run even faster. Sarah jumped. The waves fell down upon her, wrapping her like a huge blanket. The salty water felt good. She grinned contently, vivacious, obviously pleased with her incredible accomplishment.
I can add advanced SAT words in the paragraph if you want, but it'll take some time. Tell me if you want that. :)
As in the history of the Russian revolution ( that animal farm mirrors ) Snowball aka. Leon Trotsky was the popular leader and thus would have opposed the oppression of the populous that Napoleon aka Joseph Stalin wanted.