C is the answer
when the south was in war and then it was finished they had wrecked the town and they didnt know how to rebuild it.
That was the reason the Union was formed.
I believe he means something like, you are born into certain positions. There is no need to argue or for people to vote for a leader.
"No distinction is attached to birth among the Turks; the deference to be paid to a man is measured by the position he holds in the public service.", everyone is pretty much "equal" in a sense.
"There is no fighting for precedence", there is no fighting to be important
"In making his appointments the Sultan pays no regard to any pretensions on the score of wealth or rank, nor does he take into consideration recommendations or popularity, he considers each case on its own merits, and examines carefully into the character, ability, and disposition of the man whose promotion is in question", The Sultan (pretty much means king or ruler) does not base anyone by the cover of their book.
the answer is no. when the constution the writers were only thinking of white men. they beleived that blacks were property. igbtq were not reconized as human for their beliefs.
even after woman got their rights still black males and females were still not part of we the people.