Continential Tropical
Maritime polar air masses can form any time of the year and are usually not as cold as continental polar air masses. responsible for the hot, humid days of summer across the South and the East. Continental Tropical (cT): Hot and very dry. They usually form over the Desert Southwest and northern Mexico during summer.
Demography is the study of human population.
Demography studies most if not all aspects about human population. It checks births, death, sex, migration, etc. and in turn, when we describe the population, it is normally from pertaining to demographic. Demography is also involved in other disciplines such as sociology, economics, statistics, etc.
Through demographics, the necessary departments get to understand people and their needs better. Countries economic decisions is one example that depends on demographic studies. It also affects other areas such as the planning, labor markets analysis, and etc.
Tectonic plates
2.62 years
The half life of a material is the time taken for half of the number of radioactive atoms in a radioactive material to remain.
If a radioactive material is cut into pieces, each piece has the same half life as the whole material.
Hence, if Strontium-147 is cut into pieces, each piece will have a half life of 2.62 years, just as the whole material.