he was killed during the initial stages of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, when conquistador Hernán Cortés and his men fought to escape from the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan
He thought he was brought into trial because he was a foreigner because he said he was tried in a time that had a lot of hate and resentment going around and being against foreigners and slackers.
He could have also been brought into trial because he was a slacker, and the evidence is the same as the top answer. There was a lot of hate for slackers and foreigners, so he could have been slacking at his job and got into trial.
Hope this helps!
Julius Caesar was allocated tribunician powers which allowed him to veto the Senate. Veto authority allowed Caesar to be sacrosanct. The Senate accused him of committing several violations including forcibly opening the treasury. He later incited the impeachment of two obstructive tribunes. By 47 BCE, the Senate had been so depleted that Caesar had to appoint new senators. He appointed his own partisans to minimize the risk of an appraising against him. He later passed a law that limits the terms of governors in office. In 46 BCE, he titled himself the “Prefect of the Morals” and the "Father of the Fatherland." Coins bore his face and statue praising his rule rose on every corner of the empire. He rewarded his supporters with Senate and court positions. On February 44 BCE, the senate appointed Caesar as dictator for life. Before his death, he was preparing to invade the Parthian Empire.
Both the Roman and Han economies were in large part based on agriculture. Sea trade was less expensive than land trade and the fact that Rome was more of a naval empire than the Han Dynasty meant that commerce played a greater role in the Roman economy.
To declare boundaries between the thirteen colonies and the Appalachian Mountains, so American colonists couldn’t create tension with the French and Native Americans who live across the mountains.