Weather is the atmospheric condition for a day ie the weather for today is rainy while climate is the average daily atmospheric condition of a place which is usually over a very long period of time. ie the climate of a country is wet
A light-year is a unit of distance.
Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More precisely, one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.
The fact that the global ecosystems form broad latitudinal belts is mostly because of climatic reasons. It works very simply, the shape of the Earth doesn't allow the sun to heat up the surface equally in every place, so on the equator and around it the sun heats up the Earth the most, as the latitude changes the sun rays become weaker and weaker because they fall at a smaller angle and are dispersing much more, this forms the different climatic regions on Earth thus creating different ecosystems with it, ecosystems that have their borders mostly on the lines of change in climate from one region to another, so we mostly have latitudinal belts of ecosystems.
Hoyts theory of urban land use and development emerged in response to changes in TRANSPORTATION
That would be a political map because it is showing you the variety of political affilliation,