The slope of line c would be 1
I would say this paper has to do with the historical development of the English theater and its establishment as an actual art form in decades following the Renaissance era. The paper will probably talk about how theater is not only important as a performance art, but it is also important as literature to be read, not only performed in the theater. Not all playwrights write their plays with the aim to be performed - some are meant only to be read and experienced that way.
"subordinating conjunctions is to show a relationship between two clauses involving a transition of time or place"
Okay, you didnt specify which Orwell story, but I'm assuming 1984
- the constant government surveillance all characters in 1984 are under is not that far from the way people will document their lives on social media for all to see. also, the Patriot Act and similar post-911 laws in the US make government surveillance a very real thing in all citizens' lives
- the personified idea of Big Brother is something that exists, to a lesser extent, in the form of world leaders such as Trump, Bolsanaro, etc., who have built "cults of personality" around themselves. in those cases, criticizing policies or the government is the same as a personal attack on said politicians' very humanity
- the government tortures its prisoners with their greatest fear (ie rats). in other words, they find out a person's weak spot and then exploit it for their own gain. advertisers literally do the commercialized version of that very thing nowadays: they monitor someones online activities to determine their interests, then use that information to target ads and try to sell them things