It’s muggy, over populated, polluted, had a bunch of liberals, hot, and sticky. Why would that ever be the best place to live?! I’m sorry I’m just kidding but seriously. I grew up in Florida and I am never going back
Well maybe because like cows do, some adventure off by themselves, and with younger cows they may forget where to head back. And if you think about it that leads to older cows which leads to new cow groups in different areas. Just like dinosaurs may have done.. Just a maybe
The universe is all the planets and stars that orbit the sun
Slowly, deep underground
The igneous rock gabbro is coarse grained and non-vesicular. Both characteristics show that it is an intrusive igneous rock. Intrusive igneous rocks are formed below Earth's surface and slowly (because they're underground). When rocks are intrusive, they are are non-vesicular (no air pockets) because the air has had the time to escape because of the slow cooling time period. Intrusive rocks are also coarse because crystals had the time to form in the rock during that longer cooling time.
Ps. extrusive igneous rocks form rapidly at Earth's surface and basically have tge opposite characteristics for the opposite reasons (ex: vesicular cause air had little time to escape)
A sector wise profession is defined as a profession that is specific to a particular job sector.