The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a time in which the modern age began, because of humanism. Humanism is a way of life centered on human interest. It was a huge change to switch from a religion based society in the Middle Ages to a people based society in the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, humanism effected political
philosophy, art and religious change.Humanism was so powerful during the Renaissance, that it influenced Machiavelli to write a book that changed political philosophy. Humanism also made art work appear more realistic. Finally, humanism changed religion, because society was no longer theocentric. From the religious based Middle Ages to the people based Renaissance, there was much change, because of humanism.
Martin Luther posted on a church door to publicly criticize the misues of indulgences A. Ninety-five theses.
The correct answer is D.
The commitees in the US Congress are legislative sub-organizations, and each develops specialized knowledge on its subject (Agriculture, Armed Services, or Financial Services, for example).
The comitees supervise on-going governmental operations, identify matters that should be analized through legislative review, they compare and evaluate legislative alternatives; identify policy problems and propose possible solutions and they recommend courses of action to be discussed in the Congress chambers.
<u>Comitees are fundamental and completely inherent to the legislative process undertaken in Congress</u>, as it is not possible that Congress members are specialists on every subject discussed in the chambers and therefore they have to rely on the valuable information elaborated by the comitees in order to reach appropiate decisions.
4 1/2
-> 4 1/2 is greater than 4 3/4
-> April only has 30 days Oct. has 31
so you gain an extra day