The focal issues and occasions concerning American Indians started when a few hostages of Columbus were conveyed to the court of Spanish. Nearness of many societies in America came about to culture and society distinction in Indian tribes. This is on account of each culture needed to develop the best, subsequently, the opposition was presented. Inhabitation of new world acculturated societies prompted the assorted variety of way of life among Indians and this came about to change of social occasions.
The advanced weaponary helped europe conquer new lands and territory because they had weapons to kill more people and show who was in charge
The Supreme Court here in Roe v. Wade used the compelling interest test.
To put it simply the compelling interest test is used by the court, federal or state, to check the if the law is constitutionally valid. In the Roe v. Wade case the Supreme Court had to see if the right to privacy of the 14th Amendment is applied to abortion and they decided it did. They used the compelling interest test to balance this with the state's interest in the welfare of women and the potential human life that is the baby. So the court limited state's regulations on abortion.
It divided the confederacy
Faith and Determination, to bring her people to a brand new home where there was equality and acceptance. Freedom calling was her push to strive and beat the odds