When Gorbachev came into power he introduced many reforms to try and fix the economic struggle for the Soviet Union. Perestroika
and Glasnost were amongst the most recognized reforms. What are they and how did they impact the Soviet Union? Explain with details from the video to support your answer.
Perestroika or De-Stabilization meant the complete purge of all things Stalin has created. A lot of his statues were taken down all over the Soviet Union. Also Stalingrad was re-named to Volgograd. It also focused on several points to weaken the stress on the Soviet People to give them a little bit more free will. In fact during Gorbachev reign you could finally travel to some places.
I guess it could. If you had like a graph of their financial status increasing. Speaking of which thatd the information you would need. You would need to be able to see their finances.