ok I LÒVE YOU TOO muah haha
It is NOT a personification because nothing there has human characteristics.
It is NOT a simile because there is no like or as words.
It is NOT an alliteration because there is no repetition of consonant sounds.
Therefore it's a metaphor.
3.He climbed the trellis to reach the balcony.
Strong nouns help the writer describe and give power to the sentence, this clarifies whet the writer is talking about and how he is talking about it, it describes it better and gives a broader example and a better description of what the writer is talking about. Bland nouns are words that are too simple to describe something, like the colours, green glass building, you already know what are you talking about, but if they tell you swamp colored building, you make a stronger impact on the imagination of your reader.
A. <span>a. to inform readers based on Tan’s childhood experience