You want someone to right 5 or more sentences or you didn’t finish your sentence
I could smell the cinnamon all the way up the stairs.
It called my name, begging me to wander to the source of the wonderful scent.
"run, run, as fast as you can. you'll never catch me I'm the gingerbread man"
As I reached the kitchen I saw the cookies on the pan.
Patricia Madigan was a girl who suffered from diphtheria. In the hospital he meets Frank who is admitted after being confirmed with typhoid fever. Patricia begins to recite the poem "The highwayman" by Alfred Noyes, this poem tells the story of two lovers where the protagonist dies to warn her lover and finally he also dies. When the nurse sees them talking, she sends Frank to another room because they could not speak those suffering from diphtheria and typhoid. Patricia tried to tell him through the poem that she was going to die soon as it happened with the protagonist of the poem and it happened, two days later she died. When being separated in the hospital Frank could recover, in spite of having been on the verge of death, he was healed and was discharged and did not run with the same fate of the protagonist of the poem.
I am not quite sure what you want because that is not a question. Therefore there cannot be an answer. But, if you were looking for an opinion on that sentence I can give you that. First of all, caressed may not be the right word to use. You could go into more detail though.
Such as:
The sun looked down upon the plant, it reached out and lifted it up from the rain.
It could be along those lines, I hope that helps I really didn't know what you wanted to hear.
the shepherd's claim that he was given a child by jocasta and that jocasta was the mother of the child