Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia 1881
<span>Austro-Serbian Alliance </span>
<span>Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia gaining control of Serbia 1882 </span>
<span>The Triple Alliance </span>
<span>Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia </span>
<span>1914 </span> <span>Triple Entente (no separate peace) </span>
<span>Britain, Russia and France agreed not to sign for peace separately. 1894 </span>
<span>Franco-Russian Alliance </span>
<span>Russia formed an alliance with France to protect herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary </span>
<span>1907 </span> <span>Triple Entente </span>
<span>This was made between Russia, France and Britain to counter the increasing threat from Germany. 1907 </span>
<span>Anglo-Russian Entente </span>
<span>This was an agreement between Britain and Russia 1904 </span>
<span>Entente Cordiale </span>
<span>This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance, between France and Britain. </span>
<span>World War I was caused in part by the two opposing alliances developed by Bismarckian diplomacy after the Franco-Prussian War. In order to diplomatically isolate France, Bismarck formed the Three Emperor's League in 1872, an alliance between Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. When the French occupied Tunisia, Bismarck took advantage of Italian resentment towards France and created the Triple Alliance between Germany, Italy and Austria- Hungary in 1882. In exchange for Italy's agreement to stay neutral if war broke out between Austria-Hungary and Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary would protect Italy from France. Russia and Austria-Hungary grew suspicious of each other over conflicts in the Balkans in 1887, but Bismarck repaired the damage to his alliances with a Reinsurance Treaty with Russia, allowing both powers to stay neutral if the other was at war. </span>
<span>Collapse of Bismarckian Alliances </span> <span>However, after Bismarck was fired by Kaiser William II in 1890, the traditional dislike of Slavs kept Bismarck's successors from renewing the understanding with Russia. France took advantage of this opportunity to get an ally, and the Franco- Russian Entente was formed in 1891, which became a formal alliance in 1894. The Kruger telegram William II sent to congratulate the leader of the Boers for defeating the British in 1896, his instructions to the German soldiers to behave like Huns in China during the Boxer Rebellion, and particularly the large- scale navy he was building all contributed to British distrust of Germany. </span>
<span>As a result, Britain and France overlooked all major imperialistic conflict between them and formed the Entente Cordiale in 1904. Russia formed an Entente (On-Tont) with Britain in 1907 after they had reached an understanding with Britain's ally Japan and William II had further alienated Russia by supporting Austrian ambitions in the Balkans. The Triple Entente, an informal coalition between Great Britain, France and Russia, now countered the Triple Alliance. International tension was greatly increased by the division of Europe into two armed camps.</span>