Here you go
If he gives Al 42, then he gives Bob 21 and Carl 84. Do those add up to 210? 42 + 21 + 84 = 147–that’s too small! Go bigger.
Since (D) is odd, shoot right to (E). If he gives Al 60, then he gives Bob 30 and Carl 120. Does that add up to 210? Yes, yes it does. 60 + 30 + 120 = 210.
The lines that show that tragedy was brought not only to the two families but also to other families in Verona are: <span>And I for winking at your discords too
Have lost a brace of kinsmen: all are punish'd. The word that involves the other families in Verona is the pronoun "all", showing that t</span>he tragedy also departed upon them.
Privacy is important to everyone. It can keep people safe and protected, which is pretty good. It can keep credit card information and passwords safe when it comes to online privacy. In real life privacy is also just as important, as everyone deserves privacy since it is something personal. If there is a lack of privacy, bad things are almost guaranteed to happen. Thinking back to online privacy and credit card information and passwords, if such info is leaked and privacy is invaded, strangers (most likely hackers) can buy things with your credit card and take over all that you have with the use of passwords. Privacy, whether it be real life, online, or anything else, is extremely important, no matter who it is about or what it is about.
He has a complicated life about love and war<span />