Language✔️- Because they all spoke English at this point.
Religion- ✖️Most north colonies are Quakers, which Southern usually fell under what we would call Christian, there were also Catholics and people who weren’t religious.
Political Beliefs-✖️Most colonists were actually Loyalists, in fear of being thought as traders, but not everyone was, and after the war when TJ and Hamilton butte heads with the DCR and Federalist parties, the nation was once again split.
Education Systems✔️Most educated people went to the schools in New York or Virginia
economics prewar✖️
economics postwar✔️
family life✖️ I would say no. some people had a farm life, living in the south most people were slave owners. City people lived different by having the ability of easy transportation, eating, and less clean living spaces.
populations ✖️ people flocked all 13 colonies, but the abundance of people in Virginia was more than Rhode Island.
Cotton and other crops were shipped to their destination by ship.
The continent is Antarctica.
Should the United Sates use a new atomic weapon?