United States Supreme Court
As such, a party seeking to appeal to the Supreme Court from a lower court decision must file a writ of certiorari. In the Supreme Court, if four Justices agree to review the case, then the Court will hear the case.
Hoped I helped - GOOD LUCK
Leaders tried to build support for their views by organizing political parties.
<span>A Venn diagram is a useful tool when comparing and contrasting. </span>
The Council of Trent reaffirmed traditional doctrine, tried to end abuses, and established new schools.
Business Interests is the correct answer.
During 1830's American leaders were afraid that Hawaii would fall in hands of a European power when Britain and France both forced Hawaii to accept treaties. Alarmed by this american leaders signed Treaty of Friendship with Hawaii in 1849. Soon Hawaii became a provisioning spot for American whaling ships and sugar plantation. The Hawaiian economy became more integrated when the two signed 1875 trade exchange treaty and the white Americans began to dominate Hawaiin economy and politics. But when the Us government introduced McKinley Tariff, it raised the import rates on foreign sugar. Most of the sugar planters knew that if Hawaii is annexed by US the the tariff issue would vanish. The planters staged an uprising and force that Queen to abdicate. It was formally annexed when the war broke out with Spain and the islands became significant for the US navy. A joint resolution was signed by president William McKinley.