It is based on obligation, not on friendship.
Xenia is an ancient Greek belief/ concept of extending hospitality to others, especially strangers. It is this belief that will hold many respectable relationships in Greek culture and even still practiced by some people in the modern world.
In both the Greek culture and the book "The Odyssey" by Homer, the concept of Xenia is presented or practiced. The question is asking which is not true of this concept, so the <u>concept that is not true will be that Xenia is based on religious obligation and not friendship</u>. This is false because, <u>Xenia is based on both religious and friendship obligations, not just one alone</u>. Xenia allows people to be hospitable to one another which can continue for generations, thus, merging with the friendship obligation.
The<u> failure to show xenia can incur the wrath of Zeus is true for Zeus is believed to be the patron of the very concept</u>.
<u>Xenia involves the reciprocal guest-host relationship of hospitality is true because it is about the two parties' relationship of showing hospitality towards one another</u>, the host waiting for the guest to be comfortable before he can ask questions and the guest has to make sure they do nothing wrong against their host. They are also expected to show the same hospitality whenever needed in the future.
<u>Odysseus violated the code of xenia on the island when he was a guest of the Cyclops Polyphemus by stealing his property and hurting him</u>.
Tom is a trouble maker he is truly a great character always sneaking out of school to swim and after getting caught multiple times because his collar's seam was broken he found a way to fix it
he still got caught though
Hope i helped add me
Dosvedanya :)
" Stereotypes are one way by which history affects present life ".
In social psychology, a stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group.[citation needed] The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information, but can sometimes be accurate.
While such generalizations about groups of people may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals and are among the reasons for prejudicial attitudes.
Negative stereotypes can have harmful consequences for the quality of life of older adults and can also result in a major loss to society. With increases in life expectancy as well as reduced infirmity, many adults are aging well, but negative stereotypes of aging may put society at risk for losing the contributions of these vital and knowledgeable people. The potential individual and social effects underscore the need to understand the content of aging stereotypes in terms of their accuracy and applications. It is especially important to understand how negative stereotypes exacerbate poor performance in areas in which decline is real. That is, beliefs that memory is bad in old age can reduce motivation when increased motivation is needed instead. A framework for predicting and interpreting individuals' behavior is imperative to understand how aging stereotypes drive behavior in both positive and negative ways.
( I don't like stereotypes, I have never discriminated anyone, I consider everyone as my friends. )
Empathy is important when giving humor because you have to also feel what that other person is feeling and how they’re going to take your joke. If you were upset and you started joking on someone that might tear them down even more. You have to know when it’s time to be serious and not to be.
I’m not sure if that’s the answer, I just wanted to try and help.