The final draft. It's the stage where you want to fix minor details before turning it in, correcting the small stuff like grammar and spelling and punctuation.
a. The lives of medieval women were more limited than those of men.
Since ethos is usually factual info ( like history ) to persuade the reader, then the answer should be D. With 100 years of experience our company is an expert in providing the perfect food for your pet.
Hope this helps, if not, comment below please!!!!
As a literary genre, a memoir (from the French: mémoire from the Latin memoria, meaning "memory"), or a reminiscence, forms a subclass of autobiography – although the terms 'memoir' and 'autobiography' are today almost interchangeable. The author of a memoir may be referred to as a memoirist.
<span>***Nature of Memoirs*** </span>
<span>Memoirs may appear less structured and less encompassing than formal autobiographical works as they are usually about part of a life rather than the chronological telling of a life from childhood to adulthood/old age. Traditionally, memoirs usually dealt with public matters, rather than personal, and many older memoirs contain little or no information about the writer, and are almost entirely concerned with other people. They tended to be written by politicians or people in court society, later joined by military leaders and businessmen, and often dealt exclusively with the writer's careers rather than their private life. Modern expectations have changed this, even for heads of government. Like most autobiographies, memoirs are generally written from the first person point of view. </span>
<span>Gore Vidal, in his own memoir Palimpsest, gave a personal definition: "a memoir is how one remembers one's own life, while an autobiography is history, requiring research, dates, facts double-checked." It is more about what can be gleaned from a section of one's life than about the outcome of the life as a whole</span>
Its not in the list, but I will tell you it is kernel.