They are not dismissing that there could be Jesus and Moses, this leads me to believe that they do have some level of respect for other religions, if they can "respect" one.
Gutenberg made the Bible easier to afford and easier to find as well. He made it to where families all across the world could own a Bible, where the education part comes in, to learn about God and grow to someday be the best they possibly can. He changed society by not only printing the Bible, but also by making more of each book, so everyone could have what they wanted.
The Republican minority in Congress complained that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were passed by the legislatures of their respective states in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Answer: Third parties have been helpful for those who disagree with both Democrats and Republicans. They can show similar traits as the two main parties though. two examples of third parties are the Green and Justice parties. Hope this helps!