Answer: Rationing was a means of ensuring the fair distribution of food and commodities when they were scarce. It began after the start of WW2 with petrol and later included other goods such as butter, sugar and bacon. Eventually, most foods were covered by the rationing system with the exception of fruit and vegetables.
Answer: Supremacy Clause of the Constitution
Federal law is superior to State Law and this is enshrined in the Constitution by the <em>Supremacy Clause</em> which essentially states that the Constitution and Federal laws are the highest law of the land and state laws or constitutions cannot violate them.
If there is a conflict between the Constitution and state law, the Constitution takes precedence and if there is uncertainty as to whether there is a conflict, Federal courts can be approached all the way to the Supreme Court.
The North (New England states over to the Mississippi River)--started to industrialize. Major cities grew with increasing immigration and factory systems growing. The area politically supported banking and industry.
The South--characterized by cash-crop farming using slavery and plantation systems. A small percentage of the population ran the government while the rest of the whites were relatively poor owning no slaves but tied to the slave system. The largest population were enslaved by plantation owners.
The West--characterized by small family farms, ranching, and mining. These industries supported the North and the two regions became interconnected. Many of the people in the west were lower to middle class whites a lot of them immigrants.
They looked at the spread of Islam as a threat and tried to stop it.
It means a traitor. Benedict Arnold was a great American general and then he went to the British.