Argentina is part of South America, and you would have to travel Northwest.
Explanation: Hope this helps:)
A stigma means when someone see's you in a type of negative way because of your mental illness.Basically, it changes their thought of you.It's also known as Discrimination due to your mental illness.
B. The government could reduce corporate tax rates for service and retail companies.
The accumulation of technological capital and knowledge are considered factors that generate increase in the productivity of firms and the economy as a whole. Thus, all policies that encourage the training of labor, as well as the technological development of firms are considered policies conducive to economic growth. Scholarships, patent incentives, and research support fit this type of incentive. However, the mere reduction of fees charged by firms cannot be considered an incentive policy from the perspective of growth theory that considers the accumulation of knowledge as the main aspect of development. Tax reduction is a simple tax policy aimed at increasing firms' competitiveness and increasing sales, but it is not associated with the process of scientific and technological development, as it does not involve the diffusion of knowledge.
correct answer is a) increase
when we move on the road in single lane or multi lane if want passing a large truck or bus we first should increase the distance between ahead vehicle and our vehicle so we can get more visible area for understanding the situation for passing to avoid the head on collision
so here correct option is a) increase
According to Rogers, each person has a natural tendency toward growth and <em><u>self-actualization</u></em>, or achieving one's full potential.
this answer most matches the last part of the sentence; achieving one's full potential.