Darius took the bait ordering his troops to follow. Soon the Persians found themselves on rough, rock-strewn terrain. Seeing the thinning Persian line, Alexander led the charge that crashed through to the Persian rear. As at the battle of Issus, Darius fled, leaving the field and victory to Alexander.Explanation:
Yes or you can put do you have work tomorrow
Weather will be the primary reason. Despite its huge size. the real habitable area is probably less than 10% of its geographical size. Even Southern Ontario is deemed by many I know to be "too cold to live". 90% of Ontario and Quebec are simply inhabitable. I also personally think the entire Manitoba and Saskachewan are not suitable for human habitation unless we can create a way to simply hibernate during the 6 month winter (why there are so few people in Montana and North Dakota?) The fact that Montreal are thrive as a vibrant metropolis is already sort of a miracle and we don't see many such large cities with such severe weather. The only other case I can think of is probably Moscow.
Iran contra; scandal involving Reagan government illegal sales of weapons to Iran to raise money to fund rebels groups in Nicaragua.Contra is a latin american name for rebel
clinton impeachment: having an illegal affair with a white house intern known as Monica Lewinsky
bush use of executive priveleges; used executive priveleges to block congressional inquiries into FBI use of mob informant in Boston
bush criticism of the iraq war; criticised for misleading the USA that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction,and it turned out he did not.
bush patriot act; Violates the Fourth Amendment, which says the government cannot conduct a search without obtaining a warrant and showing probable cause to believe that the person has committed or will commit a crime.