Harry Potter was able to talk to a boa constrictor in the reptile room at the zoo on Dudley’s birthday. The boa talked about how he‘d never been to Brazil. When dudley and his friend came over to see what Harry was doing, they pushed Harry, and Harry involuntarily made the glasss of the boa’s exhibit disappear because of his strong wizard emotions, freeing the boa.
The sentence should instead be this: Which moves more swiftly through the water, a shark or a crocodile. Although this is starting to slip from common usage.
C. accomplished
Excellent means: extremely good and outstanding.
Inferior means: lower in rank, status, or quality.
Ordinary means: with no special or distinctive features; normal.
Accomplished means: highly trained or skilled.
Terrible means: extremely or distressingly bad or serious.
Which definition aligns with the definition of excellent closer than the other definitions?
Compare the definitions and use process of elimination.
Hope this helps.
is studying/ is hoping for
1 is left but in death condition.