Tranquil- free from disturbance; calm.
Invocation to an ancient Greek goddess is your answer. I certainly hope I helped
<span>C. animal
Yeats, in this poem, uses an animal (swans) to represent the way time passes and changes, and the natural beauty of that cycle. He sees the swans year after year but knows that one day, even the swans will disappear from the lake.</span>
So unlimited a power can belong only to God matches with Some things are beyond the control of people and governments
I call not upon a few, but upon all. matches with All people need to do their part.
Show your faith by your works matches with Back your words with actions
Be too tough rather than not tough enough matches with better have too much force than too little
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem to lightly matches with What can be gotten easily is not always greatly appreciated
Let them call me rebel and welcome: I feel no concern from it. matches with One should proudly stand up for one's beliefs
Meaning that "when you eat food, your fat burns out slow and gets stored, and you try to work out to get rid of all that excess fat. You try really hard but nothing works