Tatei ii plac romanele cu un subiect foarte profund. Inculpatul a fost acuzat in fata judecatorului. Ileana a facut a facut un proiect similar cu al meu. Tata a fost captivat de noua unealta pe care a cumparat-o.Vecina a primit o informare precum ca abonamentul la cablu va fi suspendat pe motiv de neplata. In piata era o aglomeratie de nedescris. Mamei mele i s-a adus o ofensa de catre sefa ei. Deltaplanul s-a prabusit in abis.
The answer is A, the bill forms a division of powers, restricts the powers of king and queens, improved democratic elections and supports freedom of speech.
The Treaty of Versailles had significant negative economic impacts on Germany. Germany was required to pay the Allies $33 billion in reparations for the war damages caused by World War I. These payments made it very difficult for Germany to take actions that would help Germany's economy grow.
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