A writer focuses on many things.
Some of them include:
Punctuation marks
Number of paragraphs
And, the hook to grab the readers attention in the intro paragraph
Fear drives action by provoking a state of burnt out in the individual experiencing fear. But this only happens in people that have no control over their emotions. An example of this is Hitler's retreat from Germany for fears of early defeat in the Italian peninsula.
Fear is an emotion derived from survival instincts called to defend and leave. It manifests in our body by stressing the body and preparing it to attack or retreat. Mentally we react the same way, however, depending on our level of control of emotions we can decide to analyze the situation without suffering from stress dyscontrol and choosing the best option to solve the problem. However, most of the people don't develop this emotional intelligence capability and act without enough thinking. An example is how Hitler decided to retreat his army occupying Italy because the allies managed to achieve incredible victories.
correct sequence in organizing ideas for essay prewriting is:
for information that supports the thesis</span>
a list of subtopics that support the thesis in appropriate order</span>
the subtopics and details under each subtopic</span>
an introduction and a conclusion to the outline</span>
the outline and make changes if necessary</span></span>