I would definitely say A would be your answer considering most artists come from this time period as well.
The French. That’s why it’s called the French fur trade. From 1634 to 1763 half of Michigan’s life centered in the fur trade. It’s French pioneers, suffering great hardships, worked side by side with the “black robes” at the trading post, the mission chapel, and the forest fort.
Correct answer is C. The signing of the Burlingame Treaty
A is not correct as it refers to rebellion in China against ruling class.
B is not correct as this Act actually restricted immigration.
C is correct because when it was signed in 1868 it actually approved mutual immigration policy between China and USA.
D is not correct as it refers more to open trade between these countries.
the price increase
it would go up because it a good product in people would want to buy more so they would increase the price.